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Major Political Parties in Kalaigaon Assembly Constituency
63937 , 85.97% , BPF are the major political parties in Kalaigaon Assembly Constituency .Present Sitting MLA of Kalaigaon Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of Kalaigaon Assembly Constituency is Durga Das Boro from party BPF partyMandals in Kalaigaon Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from Kalaigaon Assembly Constituency .
Election Year | Reservation | Winner MLA | Winner MLA Party | Winner MLA Votes | Difference votes with Runner Up | Runner UP Candidate | Runner UP Candidate Party | Runner UP Candidate Votes | ||
65 | 74645 | 154170 | 63937 | 132540 | 132540 | 86.27% | 85.97% | 85.97% | 85.97% | 0 |
List of Polling booths in Kalaigaon Assembly Constituency
0) 169 Milan Lp School
1) Ateliapara Lp School
2) Athiabari Lp School (left)
3) Athiabari Lp School (right)
4) Bagichachuba Lp School
5) Bahmolla Lp School (left)
6) Bahmolla Lp School (right)
7) Balipara Krishakmukti Mes(l)
8) Balipara Krishakmukti Mes(r )
9) Balipota Lp School (left)
10) Balipota Lp School (right)
11) Bananguri M.v. School
12) Barara Lp School
13) Barbalisitha Lp School (left)
14) Barbalisitha Lp School (right)
15) Barkala Bagisa Lp School
16) Barkala Khas Lp School (left)
17) Barkala Khas Lp School (right)
18) Barkola Bagicha Lp School (left)
19) Barkola Bagicha Lp School (right)
20) Barkola Kalitapara Lp School
21) Barpukhuri Lp School
22) Batabari Lp School (left)
23) Batabari Lp School (right)
24) Beltala Crc Building
25) Beltala Hindi Lp School (left)
26) Beltala Hindi Lp School (right)
27) Bhakatpara Lp School
28) Bhangabarua Lp School (l)
29) Bhangabarua Lp School (r )
30) Bhehuguri Lp School (left)
31) Bhehuguri Lp School (right)
32) Bherbheri Bill Me Madrassa (left)
33) Bherbheri Bill Me Madrassa (right)
34) Bholabari Govt. Jr. Basic School
35) Bholabari Hs
36) Bholabari Lp School (left)
37) Bholabari Lp School (right)
38) Bholabari Me School
39) Bholaguri Lp School (left)
40) Bholaguri Lp School (right)
41) Bhuragarh Gandhismriti Hs (left)
42) Bhuragarh Gandhismriti Hs (right)
43) Bhuyankhat Lp School
44) Boralakhat Lp School (left)
45) Boralakhat Lp School (right)
46) Chamuakhat Me School (left)
47) Chamuakhat Me School (right)
48) Chandmari Lp School
49) Charandhara Lp School
and more ...
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